Endurance Athletes: Want to Get Stronger, Fitter, and Faster and Avoid Injury?
Building Core Strength is Key - But Only If You Do It Effectively.
As endurance athletes, the repetitive nature of our sports puts us at risk of excessive wear and tear on the body.
š Low back pain. From hours sitting on the bike, to the compressive nature of running, our low backs take the brunt of so much force. 80% of adults experience some sort of low back pain in their lifetime.
š Plateaued fitness. Too much of a good thing is such a thing! When we only prioritize our swim, bike, or run workouts, without supporting our body with strength work, we end up eventually slowing down, or even sidelined by injury.
š Lack of mobility. The hours we spend flexed froward on the bike, running, and/or swimming takes a toll on our mobility because we're moving in ONE direction, on the same plane ALL THE TIME. Want to be able to reach for that Ironman trophy on the shelf, or turn your head when you're older? These "little things" eventually become inaccessible if we don't constantly work on our mobility.
Most people wait until they are in some sort of pain before they make core strength a priority.
And the unfortunate fact is, they could have avoided being in pain in the first place, if they had invested in core strength and mobility.
It's Not a Matter of If You Need to Be Strengthening Your Core, But When Will You Start?Ā
WeĀ need core strength to supportĀ our spine in a forward flexed while riding, to maintain efficient body position in the water, and to propel ourselves while running.Ā
More core strength = more endurance.
WeĀ also need core strength to preserve strength and mobility for functional life outside of sport.Ā Use it or lose it!
I used to be an obsessed cyclist, ignoring everything else.Ā And then I paid the price: back spasms, neck pain, tight hip flexors...
But once I committed to a core strength routine, I was able to resume my beloved long rides on weekends, and take on legendary climbs in the Alps.
I didn't get stronger by doing a bunch of sit-ups and crunches.Ā A strong core isĀ not about having chiseledĀ six-pack.
To strengthen your core, you've got to go deeper and find muscles that you might not even know you have!Ā
Let me teach you my method for success so that you can get stronger, fitter, and faster without wasting time.Ā Ā

The secret sauce which makes The Endurance Hub the most effective and efficient way to strengthen your core:
FIND your core.
To effectively strengthen your core, first you need to know what your core is. HInt: it's not just "abs". MOST trainers skip this part and jump right into having you do exercises. And the problem with that is, our bodies are good at cheating. They'll use our bigger, more powerful muscles to just get it done. So if you've found yourself wondering why you feel it in all the wrong places (your low back, neck, hip flexors) this is why! And it's not your fault. When you learn how to find your core, you'll finally be working effectively.
ACTIVATE your core.
Next, once you have found your core, you'll learn how to use those muscles instead of your hip flexors, low back, etc. We do this by creating a MIND-BODY connection, learning how to activate our core muscles through our breathing. Are you starting to see that core strength requires more than just "doing abs exercises"?
STRENGTHEN your core.
Now that you know how to properly find and activate your core, you can actually get stronger effectively and efficiently. The most important component of building a core strength is consistent action. Every Sunday you will receive a pre-recorded workout with plenty of cues and modifications. Duration: 28 minutes or less.
THREE times a week.
After Week 1 you will discover that The F.A.S.T. Method is different, and you'll start to feel a deep sense of strength in muscles that you didn't know existed! But transformation doesn't happen without repetition and commitment. Each week you will build upon your progress by refining new moves and technique.

More Strength and Endurance. Less time.
With the F.A.S.T. Method, it's possible. Here's how:
Create a Mind-Body Connection. You may or may not know that most people work backwards, working their most superficial core muscles, ignoring the most important deeper ones. Until you connect your mind to your body, you won't be able to access your deep core muscles. But once you do, it's a game changer!
Learn to Move Efficiently. Just suppose for a moment that you could spend less time struggling to strengthen your core wondering 'Where should I be feeling this?' (or avoiding it all together) and actually get stronger without wasting time. When you learn how to FIND and ACTIVATE your core, you'll be more efficient, which means you won't be wasting time.
Be Supported. If you're like most people, you spend time wondering what core exercises you should be doing or when, or being overwhelmed when Googling or searching YouTube for a workout. The Endurance Hub helps you to eliminate overwhelm and create a consistent habit with new core STRENGTH workout delivered right to you every week. Your mission: complete it THREE times. Most importantly: I'm here to help. Need a modification or clarity around a concept? Just Ask Me!

Hey there, I'm Alexis.
I'm passionate about a few things: cycling, swimming, skiing, core strength, wellness (and my dog!).
I'm a certified Pilates instructor and NASM certified personal trainer. I believe in the power of a mind-body connection, and taking control of one's physical well-being in order to live a robust, colorful life full of adventure.
Ready to change your life?
That's what finding my core did for me.
For much of my life, I didn't know that I was capable of being an athlete, so I sat on the sidelines. I didn't feel strong enough to even try endure much of anything...
Until I took a Pilates class which finally made me feel what my core was and how to activate it.
Suddenly I had newfound confidence to train for my first half marathon, I ditched spin class for the great open road, and began swimming with a masters group.
Seemingly overnight, I became an endurance athlete. My path hasn't been without injuries and setbacks.
The one thing that has made me stronger and kept me in motion is a strong core.
Over the past decade, I have curated the most effective teaching method, and a training style that is greatly informed by my experience as a trainer, Pilates instructor, and endurance athlete.
I want to give you the same tools to unlock strength, longevity, and endurance so that you can find your strongest self in your sports and in life.
Not just another "abs class".
Here's How The Endurance Hub Works.

Find Your Core
Begin with our signature mini-course to learn fundamentals and concepts before you dive in to weekly workouts.
Here's what you're going to learn:
- What your core is.
- How to make it fire.
- How to use your breath to activate your core.

Strengthen Your Core
Every Sunday you will receive a weekly workout.
Here's what you can expect:
- 28 minutes or less in duration, meant to be fit in to your week three times. Why? Because you'll get so much more out of doing something efficiently multiple times a week than slogging through a longer workout once a week.
- A well-rounded workout that will challenge you.
- Plenty of cues, modifications, and how-to's, not just what to do.

Hone Your Technique
"Golden nuggets" of knowledge are just that - super high value tips and tricks to help you get more out of your workout.
Learn how to avoid common mistakes:
- How to perfect the plank.
- How to activate the abdominals, not the hip flexors during moves involving the legs.
- How to use your core in order to squat and lunge properly.

Take a peek behind the scenes.
Ready For A Stronger You?
This is for you if you want...

Clarity! Stop wondering: 'Am I doing this right?' Or, 'Where should I be feeling this?'. Learn how to connect your mind to your body and your movement to your breath in so that you will actually get stronger. Imagine finishing a workout without wondering if you did it correctly, or if you are actually getting stronger. With The Endurance Hub you'll no longer be confused or wasting time.

Strength! Get stronger without wasting time. I’ll teach you my method, based on quality, not quantity so you can make the most out of your time, and get back to the sports that you love to do. As endurance athletes, we need to be specific when it comes to strength work. I will teach you how to strengthen the muscles that support the most important part of your body: your spine - so that you can feel stable, powerful, and ready to take on any challenge.

Longevity! Build strength for sports, and every aspect of your life for years to come. A newfound way of working your core will transform your life on and off the bike by increasing your muscular endurance where it matters most: your core. When it comes to endurance sports, what's more important than the health and fitness of our bodies?
What Current Members Are Saying...
Hear what made them join, and why they stay.
I've learned so much about engaging and working my core.
"Since starting with The Endurance Hub earlier this year, I've built it into my routine, where it quickly found a place alongside my weekly commitments for runs, weight training, and of course, miles on the bike...thanks to Alexis's inspiration, motivation, guidance, honesty, consistency and creativity each week."
It's really been a continuing education. As I get stronger I learn even more.
"I had a baby 11 months ago which has afforded me less time to go out and bike and swim. My time is so valuable so when I do get outside I want to enjoy it. I'm still enjoying my rides and I do feel stronger. I feel as fit as I did before and I'm doing far less. I think I'm just using my time more wisely."
Not Sure The Endurance Hub is Right For You, Yet?
Not sure you have enough time?
We make time for the things we value. You take care of your equipment. What about your body? What's more important than your health and wellbeing? Without a strong and healthy body, endurance events aren't too fun - it's like trying to ride a bike with two flat tires.
You'd rather be doing your runs, swims, or bike rides?
I hear that! But you know that core strength is like an insurance policy against overuse injury and it is essential if you want to continue to uplevel your fitness, right? So...where do you think you'll be a few months from now if you keep neglecting core strength?
You'd rather search for free workouts on YouTube?
Sure there is a ton of free content out there, but most trainers don't teach what I do: how to create a mind-body connection so that you are actually strengthening the right muscles. More importantly, you don't have their support! Choosing the Endurance Hub vs searching for a free workout is like fine dining vs a buffet - but at a fraction of the investment ;)
Still Thinking About It?
Hear why Nicole is still a member, 3 years after joining.
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The Endurance Hub is changing lives - and we don’t say that lightly. If you’re not so sure about that, we ask that you give it your all for 7 days and if it’s not for you, we’ll refund your money.
You have absolutely nothing to lose.
Want to Get to Know Me Better?
Why I love what I do. My journey to becoming an athlete was a surprise to me. I never knew that I had athletic potential until I was well into adulthood. Finding my inner athlete changed my life and I want to help you to cultivate that part of yourself too.